Saturday, October 10, 2009

Obama – Nobel Peace Prize

"The killer walks away with prize" was the message I received shortly after the announcement. Only on Thursday night, we joked that Bush would be the winner for this year. Another friend said that Bush & Blair should be given this as both of them were war criminals and they would never be tried. Committee should reward them for killing innocent and unarmed civilians. The world is divided on the rewarded and international press has mix response. Personally, I like President Obama for his pragmatic and balanced approach. He is US president and his policies reflect struggle for hegemony of state. His campaign was brilliant and I persuaded many friends in America to leave their homes and to vote for him.

In Pakistan, we were happy on his election but we forgot that he was elected Supreme Commander of United States not for Pakistan. He inherited debt, war and broken society, that's also true. We were also wrong in assuming him our saviour. Being a Muslim, I believe that God is my Saviour. Huge expectation world had on President Obama, and this Nobel Prize only seconds it. What international press thinks, I will share later but I am glad that he has got it.

In my view, its slap on those faces as well, who have yet accept the reality of non-white president. Still in many quarters, a strong hatred and racism remains bitter truth.

Congratulation – Mr. President, you deserved itJ