Friday, October 23, 2009

BBC – dirty work

I was disappointed with BBC earlier this year, when it refused to air aid for Ghaza. They wanted to be impartial: good for BBC, impartiality in favour of a beast who had blood of children.

Same broadcaster, but this time totally different act; BBC gave time to Nick Griffin of BNP. Nick Griffin is mentally retarded, self centred chap who happens to hate Muslims and against all of great British values of tolerance. He wants to kick immigrants out of the country, only whites' n colourless regime. My favourite moment from the program came when some Asian bloke said to Nick

You would be surprised how many people would have a whip-round to buy you a ticket and your supporters … to go to the South Pole. That's a colourless landscape, it would suit you fine.

Today's newspapers had all types of comments but for Peter Hain's statement summarised it…

The BBC should be ashamed of single-handedly doing a racist, fascist party the biggest favour in its grubby history. Our black, Muslim and Jewish citizens will sleep much less easily now the BBC has legitimised the BNP by treating its racist poison as the views of just another mainstream political party when it is so uniquely evil and dangerous.

Having done this dirty task, I am surprised to read that BBC is not ruling out the possibility of his return: for me, I gather that there is bigger plot behind this drama. BBC must have blessing of some invisible hand who wants to convey strong message to foreigners. Should they pack or fight back, is now one million dollar question?