Wednesday, December 17, 2008

No monkeys my friend

One of my friends likes apes but dislikes the fact that they are called monkeys.

No monkeys; I understand and stand corrected.

Apes and humans differ from all of the other primates in that they lack external tails. They also are more intelligent and more dependent for survival on learned behavior patterns. There are several internal body differences as well, such as the absence of an appendix in monkeys.

I can’t deny something and neither would my friend as both of us use lot of hands in our communication and now scientists have told us…

People who talk as much with their hands as their voices could be aping an earlier state in the evolution of language.

Scientists have discovered that chimpanzees and bonobos communicate more freely using gestures than they do by means of vocal sounds and facial expressions. Their findings support the theory that the human gift of the gab evolved from gesturing.

No monkeys my friend, but I am intrigued by this striking resemblance in sign language.

What about morality, sins and punishment? I am still not complete human being and more of my acts are closer to my animal instincts. I understand this, is there anyway out for escaping from Day of Judgment?