Friday, August 20, 2010

A word for the guy who recorded video in Sialkot

It is said that Imam Hussain A.S in his journey to Karbala took camels from a trader. On 10th of Moharram, when this trader saw that Mazloom was about to be killed; he came to Imam and asked for the money. Imam Hussain A.S gave him money and also told him a safe route. Pity on the man who could have got heaven, but he preferred his immediate benefit.

Same to you my friend in Sialkot, you did good job in collection of evidence. But did you not feel any mercy for them? Why did you not jump to save them?

People remember that the day a fire will surround you and your murderer will be ready to shoot – your closest and top sympathizers will only be there to take your pictures…..not to help you…how will you change this outcome, any thoughts folks from Kabirwala!